PAT.Facilities Monitoring

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This is a Pattern document

Document icon PAT Facilities Monitoring Version: 0.3 OIAr logo
Document type: Pattern Type Owner:

S.A.D. Jumelet

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This Pattern Type belongs to "Infrastructure Sector Operations". This Pattern Type serves as the definition for the majority of all solutions that IT Operations and or Security Maintenance use to monitor the IT infrastructure.

Graphical Overview

This is the graphical representation of the infrastructure functions in this Pattern Type, plus their main relations:

Facilities Monitoring pattern
Facilities Monitoring pattern

(The source file of this picture can be downloaded here).

Pattern Type Composition

This pattern has the following mandatory and optional subfunctions, expressed in Building Block Types:

Icon Function WA Inclusion Rationale
BT.Alerting icon Alerting SS optional This facility handles warning messages and/or signals that are triggered by the processing of logging and reporting data.
BT.Process Engine icon Process Engine SE mandatory The Process Engine facility is the heart of automated monitoring solutions. It processes logging and reporting data. Depending on its implementation, it may normalize, correlate and/or analyze logging data. Based pre-defined rules and/or automated analysis, it generates monitoring data and alerts.
BT.Logging icon Logging SS mandatory A logging facility provides a (central) place where system messages are collected. Logging data is used as input to the Process Engine.
BT.Reporting icon Reporting SS optional This facility carries out reporting regarding system activities. Reporting data is used as input to the Process Engine.
BT.Control Interface icon Control Interface SE optional The Control Interface facility provides management access to monitoring solutions. It should at least offer a programming interface to operators.
BT.Configuration Retrieval icon Configuration Retrieval SS optional In some cases, facilities are being monitored by comparing actual configurations and stored configurations. By using the Configuration Retrieval facility, actual configurations are being collected. This function is used in conjunction with Configuration Register facilities, where stored configurations reside.
BT.Configuration Register icon Configuration Register SS optional In some cases, facilities are being monitored by comparing actual configurations and stored configurations. Configuration Register facilities are used to lookup stored configurations, in order to compare them with configurations that are collected using a Configuration Retrieval facility.
BT.Scheduling icon Scheduling MW optional This function, if present, can trigger periodic or scheduled configuration retrievals.

Pattern Type Neighbors

This pattern has the following mandatory and optional relations with adjacent (sub)functions, expressed in Pattern Types (PAT). Note: if the table below is empty, then there are no architecturally prescribed relations with adjacent subfunctions:

Function Adjacency Description
Authentication & Authorization mandatory Configuration of the Process Engine of a monitoring solution should be restricted to authorized operators and it should be possible to trace back changes to operators that issued those. Therefore, it should be possible to validate the permissions and identities of operators that manage this facility.

Pattern Variants based on this type

No Patterns Variants implement this Type (yet)