
From OIAr Archive 2013
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This page has maturity level 4 (mature)

This is an Environment document

Document icon ENV External Version: 1.0 OIAr logo
Document type: Environment Owner:

S.A.D. Jumelet


This Environment exists in the following Working Area(s):


The External Environment comprises facilities that are used to support business functions used by ArchiSurance, but not provided nor managed by ArchiSurance (administrative responsibility).

Business Context

ArchiSurance uses providers of external services (so called "Cloud services"). ArchiSurance uses these external services for support of innovative projects and sales events. Although ArchiSurance does not manage these facilities itself, it should impose proper Quality Demands on the service offerings of external/cloud providers in order to safeguard important business processes.

Quality Demands

The quality demands of this Environment are:

QA Group Quality Attribute Value Rationale
Flexibility Adaptability NS is not an issue for ArchiSurance, but for the provider
Scalability NS Flexibility in resources consumed is one of the most important drivers to use these kind of services. ArchiSurance uses these services to thrive innovation and support sales events, causing peak utilization.
Maintainability Manageability NS is not an issue for ArchiSurance, but for the provider
Accountability MP When using external resources, service providers should supply "pay per use" as one of the drivers to obtain these services externally. Business units incurring them should be charged according to the use they make of these services, in order to put a brake on intractable consumption of these offerings.
Reliability Availability Medium Providers should at least take care of a "Medium" availability level, for sales events a "High" availability level is advisable.
Integrity NS is not an issue for ArchiSurance, but for the provider

NB: Only the two or three most important Quality demands for this environments are rated here. The purpose of this listing is to generally characterize an Environment in terms of Quality demands.

Building Block Variants, suited for this Environment

There are currently 3 Building Block Variants that can operate in this Environment. The table below shows which Building Block Variants these are:

Building Block Variant Primary environment Owner Maturity
Application Engine.Cloud - Internal Use Best Effort External

S.A.D. Jumelet

Control Interface.
Cloud Platforms External

S.A.D. Jumelet

Presentation.Cloud - Internal Use External

S.A.D. Jumelet