Property:Page maturity
This page has maturity level 2 (young)
Page maturity
Page maturity is a property of type number.
Every page in this wiki that defines one or more architectural elements has a "maturity". This maturity level is represented in a special text box, as shown above, and serves to signal the reader as to the reliability and completeness of the (architectural) information that the page offers.
This concept has been introduced to support the iterative way in which architectural elements are developed: some elements are created and fully defined in one single go, others are outlined, discussed, changed, broadened and expanded. Furthermore, in areas where different members of the OIAm community are involved in the same architectural element, the maturity concept gives the opportunity to put forward proposals, without claiming the final word.
The allowed values are:
- 1 - "stub" page - a minimum of usable information is filled in. The page is a placeholder for such a time that actual data is put in
- 2 - "young" page - some amount of usable information is present, but should in no way be seen as definitive
- 3 - "usable" page - the information on the page is supposed to be mostly usable, although it might not be complete and/or verified
- 4 - "mature" page - the information on the page is supposed to be complete and fully usable, although no final verdict has been given by the architecture board
- 5 - "official" page - the information on this page is complete and accurate, and sanctioned by the architecture board
Next to these values that tell you how usable a page is, there are a few special maturity values:
- 0 - "proposed" page - useful for formulating new ideas
- 9 - "obsolete" page - the information on this page is obsolete, and cannot be used for anything but historical references.
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_num", "allowed_values": [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "0", "9" ] } }